Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

Saying the 360 version is better is kinda like saying that farting blood isn't as bad as winning the lottery.

No User content = at least there won't be 50,000 master Queefs running around, oh wait, UT3 allowed Master Queef on PS3, granted nobody likes to use a shiny green tampon dispenser as a character.

5928d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

care to elaborate on that before you crawl back into your turd cave a.k.a. the Open Zone?

5928d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure CliffyB ate his words in one form or another.

And I'm also pretty sure he wasn't trying to DIRECTLY insult MGS4, but his roundabout way of insulting the type of gameplay wasn't exactly classy either.

5928d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, which turd has more undigested corn nuggets and peanuts in it?

Really UT3 was a terrible game. Nothing new, not fun, and 16 player multi....that's okay, I'll go back to my 32-player Warhawk.

(Note I'm fully aware of MGS4 16-player, but it fits the situation and isn't very fast paced.)

5928d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow, Fugitive Hunter? I actually saw that the other day at a Game Crazy store for $3.99. Looks like a cruddy PS1 game.

Metal Wolf Chaos? I laughed at the horrible Engrish voice acting.

All sh!tty games.

5928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, Jason? I do watch movies and play games with my PS3. And no, I don't wish I stil had my 360 (which broke 3 times, and the third time around, my loaner was shipped to me pre-RROD'd).

At least your avatar suits your personality, you flame-tard.

5928d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"My country needs mt dollar more"?

Look Jason, just quit trying to rationalize your fanboyism and accept the fact that you love your 360, and you hate everything else.

5928d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And from looking on your comment sections, I'd say your REAL readers even see your fanboyism shine through on your blogs like a cop spotlight through car windows at night.

And unfortunately I've subjected myself to reading some more of your rants, and at first I had thought maybe I'd find a shred of objectiveness in your articles, but it's ALL MS stroking fanboyism.

Your credibility as a game-related writer has long gone out the window, apparently. Because in E...

5928d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think I'll do a little essay of my own, it's titled

"Why does Bruceongames feel the need to plug his own articles?"

I'll start by saying that you are a completely malinformed individual who is nothing more than a pot trying to call the kettle black. You write about fanboys trying to be objective, but your blog is clearly geared toward the Ps3 fanboy while disregarding fanboys of other persuasions and their irrational behaviors (including your own). ...

5928d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This Rivera guy seems to have a bug up his ass.

If I could e-mail him myself, I'd tell him to sell his PS3 and buy a 360 if he wants to b!tch so much, he doesn't deserve to have one.

Seriously, if you hate installs THAT much, then you bought the wrong system.

5929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel the need to post this in a reply also:

Towards the end of the interview, it explains the fatality situation

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is anyone else sick of the sudden fad that's happening....all of a sudden it's cool to hate on MK vs. DC, A GAME THAT IS MONTHS FROM RELEASE!!

And as far as the whole "cutting out fatailites" this, and feel stupid:

5930d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It said on the bottom of the article that this guy has been researching media-related aggression for over 20 years.

I'm willing to bet that this guy was also scared of Contra, Metal Gear, Mortal Kombat, and other "violent games" that would now be considered very tame.

Somebody needs to tell Chicken Little that the sky's not falling, and if he wants to be useful, he needs to tell a few thousand parents to stop planting their kids in front of the TV while...

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't quite be ready to believe this story yet.

I've read elsewhere that the Kombatants and the DC villains will have fatalities, but the DC heroes will have brutalities, given that superman isn't always inclined to rip his foe in half and shoot a blast of heat vision up his ass (as funny as that would be).

Give it time, though. If it does in fact no longer have fatalities and be rated T, then I'll just be one less person buying it.

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I'd love to see one, simply because the game had SO MUCH to do in it. The Side quests alone could've made up their own game.

Well, E3's around the corner, probably won't hear anything, but something also tells me that, if a remake is abound, then it's super-secret and I wouldn't put it past SE to blindside everyone in a surprise announcement.

If not E3, then I'd expect it at the next TGS

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks SPOnG, I always appreciate a good, polite correction.

Bubbles for you.

5931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, he must indeed be pretty lonely out there.

I think he a bit of a laughing stock out there more than anything. Super-fanboy Jamzy = Unpaid Marketer for MS, and Kotaku's token mascot.

You guys can have him. I think I'd get annoyed by this guy pretty quick.

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamecubes currently sell at GS and EB for $30. Half of their games are more expensive than the system:

SSBM: $35
Zelda Twilight Princess: $45
Resident Evils 2 and 3: $45 each
and many others.

Wow, talk about a slap in the face. I mean, I know he's six and all, it sounded like they were from either UK or Australia, but nevertheless give the poor kid a Wii at least for his efforts.

5931d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bruceongames plugs his own sites on here because he knows that otherwise no one is gonna bother to read his uninformed drivel.

5931d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's pretty apparent he's got something against Sony altogether. I noticed that all the people who try in futility to support Digital Downloads and these supposed "42GB DVD" that won't work with any current player were bitter supporters of HD-DVD and refuse to let it die.

Just let it go.

5931d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment